Saturday, July 11, 2015


We have mostly been using our English in the host homes but there is plenty of Japanese used too. It is hard to follow the conversation for me and impossible for the girls. At this host, there is also Italian spoken by the other family.  The conversations are a wonderful mix of languages. Three young children seem to be speaking their own language.  There have been three generations at the table where we gather for three meals and a break time.  Wifi is turned off until 5pm so we can communicate and live together.  We have had a rotating number of people at the table from 8-11 people depending on schedules.

There has been English on most trains and buses after the Japanese announcements.  Many signs have had Romanji (alphabetic spelling) underneath the kanji (Chinese characters used in Japanese).
I have needed my Japanese a few times and the following picture is one of them.
This is an entrance to a bathroom and only I could read enough to know if it's men's or women's. 
What do you think?

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