Saturday, July 4, 2015

Interesting Finds #4

I don't know a lot about organic farming and how to keep the insects away from your crops and how to maintain healthy spoil but I know there are a variety of techniques and methods in use.  At Nonon Farm, they use sea urchin shells scattered along the rows to put nutrients back into the soil.
The nearby oceans are great for harvesting sea urchins and it is peak season right now!  Mr. Abe gets discarded sea urchin shells from a friend and he exposes them to the elements for one to three years.  They break up and decompose as time goes on and he scatters them between his rows of vegetables.  They also probably cut down on the weeds in the paths as well.  There are plenty of those coming up everywhere and we have done some weeding by hand.  The shells crunch as you walk on them and it sounds like walking on potato chips.

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